User content privacy policy

Huliers is a service that aims to bring together users and professionals to share and exchange content. This experience should be positive, so when you use this service you should follow the policies below. If we are notified of a potential policy violation, we may proceed with actions, including limiting and terminating user access to our services.. (hereafter the company) reserves the right to change or modify policies at any time and without notice, therefore encourages you to periodically read this statement.

Our policies for...

  • Content

    All content posted by users remains the sole responsibility of the person from whom it comes from. Therefore, each user is solely responsible for the entire content he publishes. The publications are always visible to all and should be in Greek and using the Greek alphabet.

  • Illegal activities

    Do not use our products to engage in illegal activities or to promote illegal activities.

  • Malicious products

    Do not transmit malicious programs or any other code that may damage the operation of Huli's networks, servers or other infrastructure of Huli or third parties.

  • Malicious content sharing

    Do not distribute content that promotes hatred or violence against various social, political or religious groups or involves nude or sexually explicit content. Your profile and cover photo must not contain adult content or offensive content. Do not use Huli to promote or sell pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, ammunition or medical devices. Do not distribute real gambling content, including online casinos, sports gambling or lotteries.

  • Personal and Confidential Data

    Do not distribute personal and confidential information of other individuals or companies and do not access your account without their permission. Do not use Huli to impersonate other people.

  • Harassment and unwanted or aggressive behavior

    Do not send unwanted messages, for example spam, promotional, or commercial content. Do not harass or behave aggressively to others. Users who use Huli for this purpose may be permanently excluded from the site and their content removed.

  • User Profile Name and Photo

    Fill in your name and profile photo is optional on Huli. We nevertheless urge you to do so to help prevent false profiles. You should use the name your friends, relatives or colleagues usually call you, or your business name.

  • Tenders & Offers

    Do not run/offer contests, draws, daily offers, coupons or other similar promotions directly at Huli. You may link to Huli to a separate site where your Promotion is located, stating the terms and conditions governing it, and the responsibility for compliance with the rules and regulations in the jurisdictions where it is offered or promoted by you and not Huli. Your Promotion should not be conducted or conducted in a way that conflicts with Huli's policies.

Report abuse

If you believe the above policies are being violated by any content or user, you can report it using the "Report Abuse" link (or a link with a similar name).